

8:00 – 9:00h Inscrição / Registration
9:00 – 9:15h Sessão de abertura / Opening Cerimony
9:15 – 10:00h Plenária 1 / Plenary lecture 1
Chair: Célia Antunes & M. João Costa
Environment and Allergy: pollen and bacteria
Jeroen Buters, ZAUM, TUM, Germany
10:00 – 11:00h Comunicação oral convidada 1 / Invited Oral Communication 1 – Allergology in Veterinary Practice
Chair: Luís Martins & Ricardo Assunção & Luís delgado

Veterinary Allergy Diagnosis: The present and the future with (more) precision
Luís Martins, Universidade de Évora, Portugal

Environmental allergens and parasitism
Jorge Martinez Quesada, University of The Basque Country, Spain

11:00 – 11:20h Café e Posters / Coffee break and Posters
11:20 – 12:00h Comunicação oral convidada 2 / Invited Oral Communication 2 – Pollen and Metal hypersensitivity
Chair: Aureliano Alves & Jeroen Buters

Pollen: origin and function
Paulo Manuel Carvalho Fernandes, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Metal hypersensitivity and allergic reaction: nickel and chromium
Maria Lourdes Bastos, Universidade do Porto, Portugal

12:00 – 12:45h Comunicações orais livres / Oral Communications
Chair: Ana Costa & Maria Lourdes Bastos

Vanadium applications, toxicity mechanisms and allergic reactions
Aureliano Alves, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Physical-chemical characterization of atmospheric particulate matter sorbed to allergenic airborne pollen
Helena Ribeiro, Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Ole e 1 major allergen and pollutants in the atmosphere of Córdoba (Spain)
María PIlar Plaza,Universidad de Cordoba, Spain

13:00 – 14:00 Almoço / Lunch
14:00 – 14:45h Plenária 2 / Plenary lecture 2 – Allergy mechanisms (COST Action FA-1402 ImpARAS)
Chair: Ana Costa & Pedro Rodrigues

An Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) for sensitization of the intestinal tract following oral exposure to food and food proteins: Building evidence to support the utility of non-animal methods in a regulatory context.
Erwin L. Roggen, 3RsMC ApS, Denmark

14:50 – 16:50h Comunicação oral convidada 3 / Invited Oral Communication 3 – Food Allergy (COST Action Fa-1402 ImpARAS)
Chair: Aureliano Alves & Erwin Roggen

Who is the responsible of the allergen activity in Pru p 3, the major allergen of peach?
Araceli Diaz Perales, UPM, Madrid, SpainFish allergenicity modulation towards the production of a low allergen farmed fish
Pedro Rodrigues, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Micotoxin: contributors for the establishment of an allergenic response?
Ricardo Assunção, INSA, Lisboa, Portugal

15:50 – 16:30h Café e Posters / Coffee break and Poster Session
16:30 – 17:30h Comunicações orais / Oral Communications
Chair: Célia Antunes & Jeroen Buters

Remote sensing of atmospheric pollen: exploiting new data synergies
Mª João Costa, ICT, Universidade de Évora

Portuguese Aerobiology Network: Pollen Calendars
Elsa Caeiro, ICAAM, Universidade de Évora & SPAIC

Blooms of cyanobacteria (Cyanoprokaryota) in southern Portugal and their impact on human health
Eduardo Morales, ICT, Universidade de Évora

Pollen sensitization in Badajoz and relationship with airborne pollen presence (SW Spain)
Santiago Fernández-Rodríguez, Universidad de Extramadura, Spain

17:30 – 19:00h Mesa Redonda / Pros & Cons – Alergénios: exposição e impactos na saúde / Allergens: exposure and health impacts
Chair: Célia Antunes & Aureliano Alves

Alergénios moleculares e imunoterapia / Molecular allergens and immunotherapy
Luís Delgado, FMUP & H. S.João, Porto & SPAIC

Aeroalergénios, risco de exposição e impactos na saúde / Aeroallergens, risk assessment of exposure to aeroallergens and health impacts
Carlos Nunes, Centro de Imunoalergologia do Algarve & SPAIC;

Alergo-oncologia / Allergooncology
Rui Dinis, HESE, Evora, Portugal

Desafios do município na área do planeamento de espaços verdes / Challenges in urban garden planning
Daniel Valente, Chefe de Divisão do Ambiente, Higiene e Mobilidade, CME, Évora

19:00 – 19:30h Sessão de Encerramento / Closing cerimony
Homenagem a “Rui Brandão” / Tribute to “Rui Brandão”